Sunday, November 30, 2014

Playlist - [KNBR 21]

There's never too much good music.

I'm more than excited by this new list. It's the best music I've heard in ages. Almost all the full albums these songs come from are just as great as their singles. I'm going to let the music speak mostly for itself this time. I'm just going to post some of the amazing videos from this quarter's list with minimal commentary.

Julian Casablancas + The Voids - Where No Eagles Fly
The guy from the strokes has another band. They melt faces.

TV On the Radio - Happy Idiot
This is one of TVOTR's best songs. That's saying something. Also... Look! It's Paul Rubens!

Allo Darlin' - Bright Eyes
Great stuff. They sound kind of like older Los Campesinos! That's high praise.

Tacocat - Bridge to Hawaii
This is just fun. He he. Taco cat.

Team Spirit - Satisfaction
This is one of my top 5 albums this year. Imagine modern Cheap Trick and mix 90s indie rock in.

Twin Peaks - Making Breakfast
Twin Peaks are like that band that you were in (or hung out with) in High School. They're so damn down to earth. They make real music for real people.

Spring King - Demons
This is just good example of how to make a video with a theme. It's a little "art school" but in the best way.

Honeyblood - Choker
Haunting. This is a solid album. Imagine First Aid Kit and Hole had a baby.

Kittyhawk - Welcome Home
This is a good Chicago band. They're the closest thing to That Dog I've heard. Great harmony. They should be very very popular. Let's make that happen.

The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger - Animals
He's not doing a John Lennon impression. That's his son Sean. This band gets better everytime they put an album out. (Video may be NSFW)

New Found Glory - Ready and Willing
Yes they are still around. This video is priceless.

Rancid - Collision Course
Yes. They are also still around. What year is it? Tim Armstrong seems to be getting easier to understand as time goes by. I think he's having some kind of Benjamin Button style reverse stroke. (Punk/Ska songs are short. Two bonus songs in video!)

Pissed Jeans - Boring Girls
Believe it or not, this is their most radio friendly song. What do you expect from a band called "Pissed Jeans" ? God I hate that name.

Fartbarf - Homeless in Heathrow
Jesus. I thought "Pissed Jeans" was a bad band name. With a name like "Fartbarf" you have to be pretty good to be taken seriously at all. This video made me a fan. I looked them up. They had me at "all analog" equipment.

Tell me that's not a great list.

Here's the whole thing with the six great songs that don't have their own videos. Among them new stuff from Mike Doughty, Weezer, and my favorite new band Chumped. Seriously go listen to Chumped's "Teenage Retirement" as soon as you finish this playlist.

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